Community Healthcare Network

It’s the season to get some extra Vitamin D with time spent outside in the sunshine!  That being said, we know some people start feeling anxious about this time of year when thinking about “showing more skin”.  So this blog post is about Body Positivity, and what exactly that means.

Body image is the thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs we have about our bodies and how we look. Our views are often formed by our families, friends, communities, and media (like TV, magazines, Instagram and TikTok). People with negative body image are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, poor self-esteem, social isolation and avoid seeking medical care.

Body positivity encourages people to love the body they have now, without worrying about body standards. It encourages people to feel beautiful and love their bodies regardless of shape, size, color, gender, or ability.

Body neutrality can be helpful if it feels difficult to love your body. This allows for an appreciation and acceptance of what our body can do, regardless of how it looks. Body acceptance allows individuals to acknowledge that there may be things they feel conflicted about or don’t always love, and at the same time promotes the importance of respect and care for bodies no matter what.

When concerns about your body and appearance come first, you often end up putting your mental health second.

Reframe how you talk to yourself to protect your-peace of mind with these strategies:

  • Practice gratitude for what your body does for you daily. For example “I’m grateful my legs allow me to walk my dog” or “I love that my arms let me hug my kids”.
  • Curate your social media by following accounts that feel supportive and inclusive of bodies like yours. When you are scrolling what makes you feel good or bad? Unfollow or mute accounts that bring any negativity.
  • Connect with your body by doing activities that you enjoy (like dancing, biking, yoga, frisbee). Pamper yourself and eat in a way that nourishes your body while still allowing for pleasure and joy from food.
  • Engage in positive affirmations to combat negativity. Try: “My body works hard and deserves kindness”, “I am proud of my body and myself”, “I am worthy, confident and strong” or come up with your own!
  • Ditch diet culture which often values weight, shape, and size over health and well-being. Diets often sell the idea that there is an ‘ideal’ body shape and size, and that achieving this is the key to happiness. Instead focus on health goals that are not tied to your physical appearance.
  • Make yourself comfortable by choosing clothes that fit well and make you feel good in your body.
  • Cut out negative self-talk. When you feel yourself being critical of your body, ask yourself “Would I talk this way to my best friend?” and treat yourself with that same respect and compassion.
  • Know your worth – you are so much more than how you look! Create a list of people you admire who have contributed to your life, your community or the world – was their value to society based on their appearance?  Nope!

Remember that bad days are normal and okay – We won’t feel great about our bodies every single day. Try to work through these sticky feelings by accepting them. Try self-talk: “I’m not feeling good about myself today. But I know I am worthy. I know I’m a great friend/partner, and that’s based on me, not on what I look like”.  Your body’s appearance doesn’t determine your worth!

Eating the right foods before and after exercise can have a big impact on how you feel during your workout. Our bodies need nutrients before, during, and after exercise to help us perform our best. A nutritionist can help you make an eating plan to help you reach your exercise goals.

Before: The foods you eat before your workout give your body the strength it needs to exercise.

  • Eat a balanced meal 2-3 hours before your workout, or a carb-packed snack, like 1/2 PBJ sandwich, 1-2 hours before your workout.


  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.
  • If you are lifting weights or exercising lightly, you do not need to eat during your workout.
  • If you are running, swimming, or biking for more than an hour, you can eat a small, carb-packed snack, like a handful of pretzels or a large banana, after 30 minutes to keep your strength up.

After: The foods you eat after your workout give your body what it needs to heal from exercise.

  • Eat a balanced meal or protein-packed snack, like Greek yogurt with granola and berries, within 2 hours of ending your workout.
  • Keep drinking water to keep yourself hydrated.

Try to make energy bites, they are a great carb-packed snack to eat before your workout. To make these a protein-packed snack, add your favorite protein powder!

If you or someone you know has Inflammatory Bowel Disease like Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or chronic acid reflux, read on for some tips that really work for symptom relief:

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods to help calm irritation in the stomach or gut:

  • Olive Oil
  • Avocado
  • Omega-3 foods like walnuts, wild fish, ground flaxseed, or an omega-3 supplement
  • Turmeric – see recipe below for example to use it in cooking

If you have a flare-up of symptoms like diarrhea, severe bloating, pain, or sour stomach, eat easy-to-digest foods for gut rest:

  • Try clear liquids for a day: Jell-o, popsicles, soup broth, herbal teas, or clear juice.
  • Then, move to soothing foods for about a week or until symptoms get better: daily yogurt or kefir, oatmeal, tofu, quinoa, soups, applesauce, rice, and soft-cooked vegetables.
  • Avoid coffee and other caffeinated drinks during this time as it further stimulates your gut.

Focus on Self-Care. Stress and anxiety can worsen digestive issues and acid reflux. Try to:

  • Make sleep a priority.
  • Decrease stress with gentle exercise like Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong, massage, or meditation.
  • Drink plenty of water and limit alcohol.

Try this tasty way to enhance the flavor of quinoa while supporting your digestion. 

May is National Menstrual Health Awareness Month. It’s all about spreading the word for easy access to menstrual products, learning more about periods, and breaking the silence around menstruation and menstrual hygiene.

Q: What are normal symptoms during a menstrual cycle?
A: It is normal to feel breast tenderness, fatigue, acne, headache, cramps, food cravings, mood changes, and crying spells.

Q: When should someone reach out to a Healthcare Provider?
A: Reach out to your provider when you feel heavy or painful periods, missed periods or really painful cramps. Minor stress and sadness are normal during your cycle but talk to your provider if symptoms remain or get worse.

Q: What are some other concerns?
Body image: Changes in body shape and weight and menstrual-related bloating are normal but can change the way you feel about your body. Seeing certain images on social media can worsen those feelings. Try not to compare yourself to anyone you see online. Take a break from social media when it stirs these feelings.

Embarrassment or discomfort: Some may feel shame talking about menstrual issues with parents, peers, or providers. This discomfort can lead to delays to get help. That’s why it is important to connect with a health educator.

Health educators can educate you and patients about:

  • best genital hygiene practices during menstrual cycles.
  • how to use different menstrual products.
  • building comfort around talking about menstruation in a healthy, shame-free way.

Reach out to your health educator about menstruation or refer someone who could use the support!


DIY: Warm Compress Sock Recipe

Turning a lonely sock into a warm compress is a creative and eco-friendly idea! This simple DIY project not only gives a new purpose to an otherwise thrown out item but also offers a safe way to manage pain at home. It’s a great example of how we can re-use everyday items for our well-being.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 Sock
  • 1.5 cups of any kind of uncooked rice
  • Dried lavender or chamomile for scent (optional)
  • Microwave

How to make:

  • Use a clean, thick sock for better heat retention. Make sure there are no holes.
  • Fill the sock with uncooked rice. Rice retains heat well and conforms to your body.
  • For added benefits, mix in dried lavender or chamomile for a soothing scent.
  • Tie the open end of the sock with a knot or a string.
  • Microwave the sock for about 1 minute. Do not overheat as it can burn the skin. If it’s too hot, just wait a few minutes to let it cool down before using.
  • Place the warm sock on the painful area—like your neck, shoulders, or abdomen. It’s perfect for easing muscles, menstrual cramps, or simply warming up.

Tips to maximize benefits:

  • Keep the compress on for about 15-20 minutes. The heat helps increase blood flow and relax muscles.
  • The sock compress can be reused multiple times. Clean and dry it before each use.
  • Never use a hot compress on an open wound or swollen areas.
  • You can add essential oils to the rice for aromatherapy benefits. A few drops of lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus oil can enhance relaxation and pain relief.

Do you ever feel annoyed that a long day is over, but you still haven’t had one minute just for you? So then you decide to stay up a little later to spend some “me-time” mindlessly scrolling your phone, but before you know it, it’s way past your bedtime and then you wake up exhausted the next day? If this sounds familiar, you may be a “revenge bedtime procrastinator,” delaying sleep to carve out time for yourself.

To help break this cycle, ask yourself what would make you feel more fulfilled during the day – whether it’s exercising, sitting with a book, or just zoning out for a bit. Also, are there any obligations you can outsource, share, or ditch? Think of going to bed on time not as a punishment but as a treat for Future You.

Bedtime procrastination is also heavily associated with smartphone use. But your phone isn’t the problem – it’s the content that is designed to keep you engaged, even addicted. If you can’t bear to put your phone down, try setting your phone to grey mode at the time you want to go to bed. Or choose a different kind of media that is “portion-controlled” – indulge in one show, listen to one podcast, or read a chapter of a book or magazine article (but no binge-watching or multitasking, ie. TV and scrolling at the same time).

Additionally, try adding more self-care to your day to not cram it all before bed:

  • Keep a consistent wake and sleep time: Waking and going to bed within the same 1-hour window each day is super important. As soon as you wake, seek natural light which helps your body regulate its sleep/wake cycles. Occasionally you may want to stay up late. If you do, get up the next morning at your usual time or within 2 hours of it (especially on the weekend). It’s better to be a little sleep-deprived than to be wired Sunday night which can keep you up and throw off your Monday morning and the rest of the week.
  • Use your lunch break for “me-time”: Pick a destination to walk to, like a park to sit in the sun, a local shop for a cup of tea, the library to find your next book or a bookstore to browse the shelves.
  • Choose evening beverages wisely: Limit to one alcoholic drink no later than 3 hours before bed, and stay away from caffeine close to bedtime – both of these contribute to waking up during the night. Opt for herbal teas instead, which are coffeine-free and can promote relaxation.
  • Eat dinner at least 2 hours before bed:  If you are hungry before bed, try snacking on something with fiber and protein like nuts, yogurt, or hummus with crackers and drink a full glass of water.
  • Adapt your daytime routine to what works for you: Some people operate best in the morning, some between 9am-5pm, and others are night owls. Depending on where you fall, you can try moving your morning workout to the evening when you need a boost.  Or if you get grumpy in the afternoon, try a quick walk/deep breathing break. If you need more time to ease awake in the AM, consider moving your shower time to the evening.

    Remember, you deserve “me-time”…. and you deserve a good night’s rest too!

Here’s a question: How old is your heart? That seems like an easy question to answer: It’s as old as you are!  But when it comes to the health of your heart, the answer might not be so simple.

Risk factors for heart disease may take a toll on your heart over time — making it “older” than you are. Making hearthealthy changes now may help undo some of that damage — and help turn back the clock on your heart health.

1. If you smoke or use tobacco, quit. This is a tough one. But it’s doable! And it’s one of the best ways to lower your risk for heart disease. Make an appointment with your primary care physician (PCP). Ask about medicines and other strategies that may help you quit.

2. Enjoy hearthealthy foods. Fill your plate with fruits, veggies, and fiber-rich whole grains. Foods like fish, nuts, low-fat dairy products, skinless poultry, and lean meats may also be on the menu. Cut back on foods that are high in sodium, saturated fat, and trans fats. Make a meal plan for this week. It’s easier to make better choices when you have hearthealthy ingredients on hand — and a plan to use them.

3. Keep moving. Regular exercise boosts your heart’s fitness and health. Most healthy adults should aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week. Add strength exercises on two or more days a week. Does that sound like too much for your busy schedule? Think of short sessions. Break it up into blocks of at least 10 minutes — and squeeze them in when you can. Make an exercise appointment on your calendar or set a reminder on your smartphone. Then treat it like you would any other important meeting.

4. Manage high-risk conditions. Do you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes? If so, work with your doctor on a treatment plan. Make sure you take your medications as directed — and get the checkups recommended for you. If you sometimes forget your meds, try setting a daily alarm on your watch or smartphone. Or try a “days of the week” pillbox to help you remember.

5. Rethink your drink. Too much alcohol may raise blood pressure. So moderation is key.

6. Tame your tension. Long-term stress may damage your blood vessels. Stress may also affect your risk for heart disease and stroke by triggering unhealthy coping strategies.  Write out a list of healthy coping strategies (ie. call someone you trust to vent, take a walk, do a yoga video, etc) and turn to it for coping ideas when you are feeling stressed.

7. Catch some ZZZ’s. Too little sleep may be tough on your ticker. Most adults should get seven to eight hours a night. Some people may need more. Trouble drifting off? Put away your digital devices well before you turn in. And do something relaxing instead — such as reading a book or taking a bath.

If making the hearthealthy lifestyle changes above seems overwhelming, keep this in mind: even minutes matter. So pick one change at a time — and start small. Over time, you can build on your success.

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? Our body’s natural shield has many uses and is always working. Your skin:

  • Acts as your body’s first line of defense against harmful germs and UV light.
  • Has its own microbiome, a tiny army devoted to keeping you safe.
  • Sheds 30,000 skin cells each minute! With that kind of turnover, we want to support our skin with a healthy diet.

Below is a list of nutrients that are essential to healthy skin at every age:

Nutrient: Found in: Why is it important?
Vitamin A Cheese, eggs, liver, carrots, spinach, peppers and papaya Helps your skin cycle, keeping it looking healthy
Omega-3 Fatty fish such as salmon, walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseed Controls your body’s oil
Helps acne breakouts
Reduces swelling
Zinc Pumpkin seeds, oysters, beef, chickpeas and oats Helps your skin to heal from cuts or breakage
Vitamin C Peppers, oranges, broccoli, kale and papaya Helps repair from sun damage
Protects you from getting sick
Vitamin E Asparagus, peppers, sunflower seeds, collard greens Helps repair from sun damage <br>Keeps your bones strong

Easy Salmon Salad


  • 1-2 medium salmon fillets
  • 1 teaspoon of salmon and 1/4 cup olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 cups romaine lettuce chopped
  • 1/2 cup sliced red bell peppers
  • 1/2 cup sliced cucumbers
  • 1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion
  • 1 sliced and pitted avocado
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  • Use 1 teaspoon of olive oil to coat the salmon. Season salmon with salt and pepper on both sides. Place fillets, skin side up, in the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until flaky.
  • While salmon is baking, bring together lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, red onion and avocado in a large bowl. Set aside.
  • In a small jar, mix garlic powder, onion powder, lemon juice, the remaining olive oil, salt, and pepper. Cover the jar and shake well.
  • Remove salmon from oven. Let cool for 5 minutes.
  • Dress the salad and serve with the salmon. Enjoy!

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Having diabetes can feel overwhelming. There’s a lot to pay attention to – like checking your blood sugar, taking medication, getting regular check-ups, and keeping active.

But did you know you should pay attention to your feet too? It’s true. With diabetes, high blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage, and the feet and legs are most often affected.

It’s important to keep your feet healthy, catch any problems before they become serious, and promptly seek medical help if you notice any issues that aren’t getting better.

We caught up with Dr. Craig Herman, the Director of Podiatry at Community Healthcare Network, to learn more about the connection between diabetes and foot health, and for some tips on steps you can take to stay healthy and avoid serious complications.

Feeling no pain? That’s a problem

About half of people with diabetes will develop some type of nerve damage because high blood sugar levels can cause the nerves in your body to not work properly.

“When you have diabetes for a long time, such as greater than 10 years, or if your diabetes is out of control, your feet may start to lose the ability to feel pain and temperature,” says Dr. Herman. “This is called diabetic peripheral neuropathy.”

Imagine not noticing you’ve been cut because you can’t feel it. Avoiding pain might sound nice, but pain is there for a reason. It’s telling you that something’s wrong and that you should pay attention.

  • Pay close attention to the health of your feet so you can catch any issues before they turn serious.
  • A serious foot problem might begin as something small – like a little cut or sore. If the wound doesn’t heal properly and an infection sets in, part of the foot, the whole foot, or even part of the leg, might eventually need to be amputated (removed with surgery).
  • If an area appears red, swollen, warm, if you feel pressure in the area, or if it’s giving off a bad odor, seek attention urgently – usually within one to three days.
  • If you have deep a wound or open sore on the foot, it may be a foot ulcer. If it gets infected, the infection can spread to other areas of the foot and even infect the bone or get into the blood system.

“It’s important to identify an ulcer as early as possible,” says Dr. Herman. “If you have good circulation and the problem is found in its early stages, it can usually be cured quickly. However, the longer you wait, the more severe the ulcer is, and if your circulation is poor, the ulcer can take a long time to heal and lead to amputation.”

Build a daily foot care routine

Practicing good self-care can go a long way to avoiding serious foot problems that diabetes can cause.

  • Check your feet daily, even if don’t feel there’s anything wrong. Remember, nerve damage might cause you to lose feeling. You might have a problem and not know it.
  • Look carefully for cuts, bruises, sores, redness, swelling – anything out of the ordinary – including changes to the skin or nails. A small cut might not look like much, but it could turn into something serious if untreated, so don’t ignore it.

Dr. Herman says it’s most important to keep the damaged area clean and covered.

“Don’t let the air dry it out,” he says. “The wound should be cleaned with water and antibacterial soap, then dried, treated with an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment, and kept covered.”

  • Be thorough. Use a hand-held mirror to check those hard-to-see spots – or ask someone, such as family member, for help.
  • If a wound doesn’t show signs of infection – such as redness, swelling, and increased pain – but it isn’t healing, see a doctor within one to two weeks. You should ideally see a podiatrist, but your primary care provider, an urgent care clinic, or an emergency department is ok if you’re concerned.

Know your risk factors

Anyone with diabetes can develop nerve damage, but these factors increase your risk:

  • Blood sugar levels that are hard to manage
  • Having diabetes for a long time, especially if your blood sugar is often higher than your target levels
  • Being overweight
  • Being older than 40 years
  • Having high blood pressure
  • Having high cholesterol

Steps you can take to stay healthy

There are several simple, yet effective things you can do to protect your feet.

  • Don’t go barefoot – even when indoors. There’s a much greater chance of injury.
  • Wear shoes that fit well. If they feel too loose or too tight, there’s more risk they’ll damage your feet. Wear socks too.
  • Wash your feet daily. But avoid soaking your feet or scrubbing them with soap. Dry your feet well – including between your toes – immediately after washing.
  • Trim your toenails regularly. Smooth out any sharp edges and create a straight line along the top of the nail.
  • Stay active. This will help to keep blood flowing to your feet.
  • Have your feet checked as part of your regular physical exams. Your doctor or healthcare provider will notice any issues and act if needed. The frequency of how often you should have them checked depends on your risk level.
    • Low risk. If you have no physical problems, good circulation, no loss of feeling, and your blood sugar is in control, you should be seen once a year for an evaluation.
    • Moderate risk. If you have good circulation, your diabetes is controlled, and you have feeling in your feet, but you have medical problems that require more attention, more frequent visits – such as once every three to six months – may be needed.
    • High risk. You should be seen at least every three months, possibly more often if you have any or all the following problems:
      – uncontrolled diabetes
      – loss of feeling in your toes or feet
      – poor circulation in your feet
      – a history of amputation or foot ulcers
      – other health problems

Remember, having diabetes doesn’t mean you’ll develop foot problems – or that you’ll lose your feet. By practicing good self-care, knowing what to look for, and staying in close contact with your doctor or healthcare provider, you can do your part to keep your feet healthy.

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Pre-made spice blends at the grocery store make cooking easier but they tend to be pricey. Did you know you can mix up your own taco seasonings for pennies on the dollar compared with the cost of a pre-made packet? Plus, you can control the spiciness or salt to what you like.

Use dry herbs and spices that you’ve bought recently. Dried herbs and spices don’t go bad, but they do lose their flavor over time. Before creating a blend, make sure your ingredients are still fragrant and vibrant in color. If you’re using whole spices and herbs, grind them in a clean coffee grinder for maximum flavor. Store leftover spice blends in a tightly sealed container and label it. Once it’s gone restock and keep cooking! Feel free to tinker with blends based on your taste – the possibilities are endless. Save this guide and add a tablespoon or two the next time you need a spice blend for a dish.

Taco Seasoning

Try it in chili, tacos, burgers, or a steak marinade.


  • 2 tbsp. chili powder
  • 1 ½ tsp. chipotle powder
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. onion powder
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • ¾ tsp. garlic powder
  • ¾ tsp. sweet paprika
  • ¼ tsp. oregano

Everything Bagel Seasoning

This works on everything! Try with eggs or avocado toast.


  • 1 tbsp. poppy seeds
  • 1 tbsp. dried minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp. dried minced onion
  • 1 tbsp. toasted white sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp. flaky sea salt


Cajun Spice Mix

This is often used in jambalaya and gumbo or rubbed on a protein before grilling or over oven-baked fries.


  • 1 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. sweet or smoked paprika
  • 1 tbsp. dried oregano
  • 2 ½ tsp. dried thyme
  • 1 heaping tsp. of cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp. onion powder
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder

Italian Bread

Add to sauces, meatballs, or rub on a protein.


  • 1 tbsp. dried basil
  • 1 tbsp. dried parsley
  • 1 tbsp. dried oregano
  • 1 ¼ tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. dried rosemary
  • 1 tsp. dried minced lemon peel (optional for brightness)
  • ¼ tsp. crushed red pepper

Shawarma Seasoning

Traditionally “shawarma” refers to a style of cooking meat on a split. This take on the blend is warm and savory for the meat.


  • 2 tbsp. ground cumin
  • 1 tbsp. ground coriander
  • 1 tbsp. sweet paprika
  • 2 tsp. black pepper
  • 2 tsp. turmeric
  • 1 ¼ tsp. granulated garlic
  • 1 tsp. cardamom
  • 1 tsp ground cloves

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Amidst a rising trend of ill children being sent to school knowingly, teachers and school nurses across New York City, including those at schools affiliated with Community Healthcare Network, are witnessing an increase in sick students attending classes. The Cut’s article “Is a Sick Kid Better Than an Absent Kid?” sheds light on this concerning issue. Dr. Taisha Benjamin, Chief Medical Officer at Community Healthcare Network, shared insights during her interview, stating, “Not only are you exposing people in the classroom, now they’re taking it home to their family, to their grandparents, to the person in their home who may have some kind of chronic illness, who may get very sick.”

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