Community Healthcare Network

Ayurveda (pronounced ah-yer-vey-duh) is a natural healing practice from India. The word “Ayurveda” is made of 2 Sanskrit words: ayur and veda. Ayur means life and veda means science or knowledge. A main value of Ayurveda is that what you eat is just as important as how you eat it.

Making and eating meals that leave your mind and body feeling good allow your body to focus more on your digestion (the breakdown of food). Try these five Ayurvedic practices to help boost your digestion to feel more satisfied after meals.

  1. Sit and slow down. Sit down while you eat to help your organs relax and get ready for all the work they will do to help you digest! Take a few deep breaths after a few bites to see how your body is feeling. Focus on each chew and swallow.
  2. Eat only when hungry. Pause before you eat a snack and listen to your stomach. Are you hungry? Or are you stressed, bored, or thirsty? Wait 10 minutes before snacking. Many times, the desire to eat will go away. It is common for this desire to come in the evening. The body craves comfort foods at the end of the day when it wants to slow down and rest. Instead drink a glass of water and check in with yourself again.
  3. Have regular mealtimes. Our minds and bodies work best with routine. When we eat at similar times each day, our stomachs can prepare in advance for meal times. This allows our minds and bodies to relax and focus on our food.
  4. Eat light, or not at all, when angry or anxious. Worry and anger are two feelings that are not good for digestion. When your mind is busy, nothing will digest well! It is best to drink warm liquids and wait until your mind calms down before eating.
  5. Drink warm or room temperature water to keep your gut feeling cozy. While cold water can make it hard for the body to break down food, warm water will keep your gut working well. Warm water rehydrates the body and calms your body!

To learn more about wellness contact the Wellness Department at Community Healthcare Network at (212)-432-8494 or  email [email protected].

Why do we have bad habits even when we know they are not good for us? Why is it so hard to start a healthy new habit? It can be hard to get habits under control. Don’t worry, we’re here to tell you how you can kick those bad habits and replace them with good ones.

Try these tips to help you break bad habits:

  1. Know about your habit.Do not brush it off, but don’t judge yourself for doing it. Facing your bad habit may bring up a lot of feelings, but this will help you notice it more when you do it in the future.
  2. The next time you take part in your bad habit, think about how you felt before. Were you angry, worried, stressed, or bored? Were you craving something? Where were you? How did you feel after? We often feel even worse after engaging in our bad habit than we did before.
  3. Start small. Make small changes.Set small goals to help you reach your one big goal. Picturing your life without the bad habit will also help.
  4. Use “If-than”. Such as, if you are trying to eat healthier, make a grocery list and tell yourself:
    • if I go to the grocery store, than I will only buy the foods on my list.
    • if I walk home, thanI will not walk by the bodega where I buy snacks.”
  5. Plan to fail a few times. You might slip up. That is okay. Just keep trying!

Follow these tips to help you form andstick to new, good habits:

  1. Think about whyyou want to form a new habit. Sometimes we form a good habit to replace a bad habit. Sometimes we form a good habit to make us feel healthier. What will you gain by forming a new habit?
  1. Figure out how your new habit will impact you day-to-day. Will you have to change your routine?
  2. Set small goals. Do something small each day that will lead you to your goal.
  1. Commit to a plan and tell others. Once you have made your plan, stick to it. Tell your loved ones that you are starting a new habit. You will be more likely to stick with your good habit if you have the support of people that care about you.
  2. Ask for help. You do not have to be alone while forming your new habit. Get a gym buddy, ask your family to cook and eat healthy with you. Each goal is simpler with the support of others.

To learn more about wellness contact the Wellness Department at Community Healthcare Network at (212)-432-8494 or email [email protected].

Thanksgiving is a time to feel good and celebrate with loved ones. Use these tips to enjoy yourself this holiday season and stay healthy!

  • Work out to burn off extra calories before your holiday meal. Boost your steps or workout extra hard the week before. Plan a football or basketball game outside or take a walk with loved ones!
  • Eat breakfast the morning of a big holiday meal. This can give you more control over your appetite throughout the day. Start your day with a small breakfast that has lots of protein and fiber. You could try an egg with a slice of whole-wheat toast. Or have a bowl of whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk.
  • Focus on family and friends. Take time to celebrate relationships. Spend time catching up with loved ones and being thankful for all the joy they bring.
  • Check out all the food before you sit down to eat. This will help you control how much you put on your plate. Remember, some holiday foods are better choices than others!
  • Eat slowly. Put your fork down in between each bite and savor each mouthful. This will help you feel more satisfied during your meal.
  • Wait 10 to 20 minutes before getting up for a 2nd helping. You may find that you are no longer hungry.
  • Drink a glass of water in between every beer, glass of wine, or liquor. This helps you stay hydrated and limits calories. Calories from alcohol and other drinks add up quickly!
  • Be realistic. Set a goal to stay at the same weight this holiday season