Community Healthcare Network

Stress can be a good thing if it is in small amounts. When you go through short moments of stress, it can help give you energy to get things done. But sometimes stress can last for long periods of time. When this happens, we can get anxious or overwhelmed and even worse, our health might get worse. If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, try these tips to help you feel better: Stress can lead people to get addicted to drugs or alcohol and it is important to get Drug Rehab Los Angeles help if one is addicted to drugs. There is also the Rehab Near Me that has various ways to help reduce anxiety and withdrawals while on the path to a clean life.

      • Think about what makes you stressed. People who treat patients in Methadone Clinic Clearwater for clinical stress and anxiety suggests people to write down why you feel stressed.  Write down what happened to you before you started feeling stressed. Try to notice patterns. This can help you learn how to get ready for stressful times and to keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
      • Take deep, slow breaths. Breathe in for a count of 4. Hold your breath for 7. Then breathe out for a count of 8. Repeat this a few times until you start to calm down. This will help you relax and lower your heart rate before acting on something.
      • Cut back on caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine can help you feel more awake. But it can also raise your heart rate and blood pressure. Caffeine can also make it harder for you to calm down or relax. Alcohol can make you feel moody and on edge. It may help you relax in the moment, but when it wears off, you may feel even more anxious than before. Don’t fall victim to any other addictions and go to a New York Recovery Center if you find yourself in such a situation.
      • Work out often. When you work out, your brain makes you feel happy. This can help you do better in stressful times.
      • Eat right at the right time. Eating unhealthy foods can make you feel more moody. Even eating at different times each day can make you feel on edge. Eat small, healthy meals every 3 hours to keep your energy levels up.
      • Sleep 8 hours each nightto not feel grumpy or sluggish. If your thoughts are getting in the way of sleeping, focus on your breathing. Listen to yourself breathe in and out and notice how that feels. Sometimes certain foods or parts of food can help you sleep better. Talk to your CHN nutritionist or doctor to find out more.
      • Talk to a therapist. It can be hard to talk to your loved ones about what’s bothering you. If you feel stressed, CHN has therapists at each health center. Call (866) 246-8259 to find out more.
      • Take a wellness class like yoga, meditation, reiki, or sound healing. These classes focus on calming your mind, helping you relax, and lowering stress. CHN has free classes at locations around New York City.

    To learn more about wellness contact the Wellness Department at Community Healthcare Network at (212)-432-8494 or email [email protected].

Say your best friend or partner is stressed but they haven’t told you. Sometimes you can just tell they’re stressed just by looking at them. Understanding your feelings and noticing the feelings of other people is known as emotional intelligence. People with high emotional intelligence can see how someone else is feeling and help. Not all people have emotional intelligence. Here are ways to make your emotional intelligence better:

  1. Tune in to your feelings.Notice your feelings during the day. If you know how you feel, you can learn how your feelings change your actions.
  2. Actively listen when talking with someone. Don’t let your mind wander. Look people in the eye. Turn your body toward theirs. Notice not only what they are saying but how they are saying it. What is their tone, what is their body language telling you?Try not to stop or get distracted. Let them feel comfortable expressing themselves. Focus on what others are saying, not what you are planning to say next.
  3. Don’t judge.Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Try to think about what they have lived through that may shape who they are. This may help you grasp why someone is acting a certain way.
  4. Respect other people’s feelings.Focus on why they feel a certain way, even if you don’t agree with them. This can keep your own feelings in check if someone says something that bothers you. Instead, look at this as a chance to work out differences and build trust.
  5. Think before you react.Express your feelings in a supportive way. If a strong feeling takes over, take a step back and deep breath. Think about what you say. Think about how your words will be received. And think about how you can talk about the problem in a calm way that helps you and the person you are talking with.
  6. See the silly side.Laughing helps ease stress and brings people together. Try to see the humor in things to make others smile and feel relaxed.

To learn more about wellness contact the Wellness Department at Community Healthcare Network at (212)-432-8494 or email [email protected].

We all have loved ones whose bad habits worry us. It is hard to watch people you care about, do things that may hurt them.

Think about healthy habits of yours. Were they always part of your life? Was there an event or person that inspired you? Try these tips to help inspire loved ones to move toward healthier habits.

  • Set a good example. How will you push someone to eat more veggies if you always reach for junk food? Show your loved ones how to make healthy choices by doing so yourself.
  • Teach them. Research the facts and share them. You could show them an article on how healthy foods are better for your brain. Be careful not to sound like you are judging them—you want to help them!
  • Don’t sound like you think you are better than them. Use your words and tone wisely. Don’t put down your loved ones for making less healthy choices. Remember, what is right for you might not be right for them.
  • Lend a helping hand. Support loved ones by taking part in their healthy habit with them. Having someone to share your success will make you want to keep it up. If their goal is to lose weight, you can try a new recipe for dinner, or go for a walk with them. If they are trying to lower stress, try a breathing exercise with them.
  • Try your best. Remember that you can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do. You can only push them to take steps forward. It is important to take care of yourself and your relationship during the process.

If a loved one is having a hard time getting healthy, have them reach out to an expert like a nutritionist, therapist, or doctor. These people have more knowledge to help your loved one reach their health goals themselves.

To learn more about wellness, talk to the Wellness Department at Community Healthcare Network at (212) 432-8494 or  [email protected]